MGX 0.00% 31.5¢ mount gibson iron limited

Ann: Iron Hill Exploration Update , page-5

  1. 1,059 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 835


    Whats your thoughts on the 5-7 million tonne prospect @ 60% for Iron hill.

    I thought it would be a bit more - that works out at around 3-4 million tonnes which would add about a year to its extension hill operations.

    Am I reading that right - if MGX can replicate that again at EH south then they might get another 2 years.

    I am trying to work out if should buy in again at 1.10 mark (I sold out in the 90's) but would need to see a substantial upgrade in reserves to be confident of buying over 1.10.

    MGX has done a great job in the last 18 mths - it just a question of value now that the EV is starting to climb above 600 million.

    Thanks in advance
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Mkt cap ! $378.7M
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31.5¢ 32.5¢ 31.5¢ $69.07K 217.2K

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5 540743 31.5¢

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32.0¢ 146452 4
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Last trade - 16.10pm 31/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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