Hi Matt747.
A joint venture in the company - Off-take agreements - Or total 100% of production - Funding of Infrastructure or Fund build own operate rail and/or port Infrastructure. These seem to be the things SDL Directors are after I thought. Not Selling the company out at 100%.
If SDL have already decided it is China, why are they telling us it is a two horse race for rail and port infrastructure?
Why are tenders out for the Mine Infrastructure and iron ore sales agreements?
If it is already in China's hands, why are they wasting more cash in doing all these Presentations?
If all tenders are out and being decided on, why are they still wasting cash on these Presentations, travelling all over the World at share holders expense?
Surely the company do not need to be trying to get the SDL story out to the World.
Most of the problems about China I spoke of are from Africa, not Australia. Only two come to mind in Australia that seem to be in trouble, GBG and Chinese/Sino joint venture near Port Headland.
If what you say, logical decision would be Chinese, why are the Europeans even bothering if they thought the same as you? I would say the Europeans think differently to you.
Where do the European iron ore importers and Steel Mills get most of their iron ore from.
Most probably from Brazil and Australia, maybe a bit from America, Canada and a little from Europe.
Where would Europe be best served getting their iron ore if not from Europe?
Next best cheapest transport/shipping cost would be Central/West Africa, by a mile or 8000kls or so.
If Europeans get the deal, any surplus they could sell to Arab States, China, India, Japan or Korea.
Yes it would be a great deal for Europe to get this iron ore hub as well.
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