australia's very own subprime crisis looming, page-122

  1. 3,404 Posts.
    "Yes Hawkers the tenant risk profile is higher - but can be managed and IMHO is a far better investment than a $700k property with a $600pw rent (that is a bigger risk IMHO). Just because you are closed minded doesn't make it mindless and pointless bullish arrogance. This is just one example and I am sure there are plenty of others out there. You only made the statement yesterday that you can't compare property and shares - well like every share is different every property is different both need to be assessed on their own merits rather than blanket statements."

    UT re read my comments-my commnet about mindless and bullish arrogance was in response to Acorn condescending remark "Just goes to show how much people on here know about the property market"

    I never criticised your choice (though Im still waiting for Acorn to point out where I did after his little rant...)

    What I did do is congratulate you for making it work for you, BUT indicated it was a investment I wouldnt be comfortable with for the reasons I identified. Everyone has different risk profiles and ideas about what works-doesnt nevessarily make it wrong or wrong.

    My god you bulls really are sensitive-are you all realy that worried about things turning pear shapped?

    I also agree re your comment on $700k properties-and this is a reason why Im bearish on property, the numbers dont stack up at the moment. There are always opportunites but overall you would be a mug to think there is easy money to be made in property at the moment.
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