world problem is population, page-63

  1. 7,396 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 30
    Good point about visiting china or India. If the whole world was like India then the population might be 15 billion? China imports resources. Idont think those countries are self sufficient. There wouldn't be resources left. We really are getting there.
    Also when u fly you see hours of empty land but each person uses acres of land in terms of mining, water, oil etc.
    Naturally this sized world has a limit, it's not infinite. Therefore there will be a peak and a fall, the reason for the fall can only be speculated. Yeh the pandemic idea won't be as successful as the Spanish flu for instance because of science and modern medicine,, or maybe earth itself will react with a 10 year weather storm or electromagnetic cough.
    Isn't there e that theory of peak oil . Oil which has fuelled population growth, and with no oil everything slows down to a slow depopulation, sorry if that's a boring outcome.
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