bike rider doored by taxi, page-227

  1. sjl
    1,235 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 348
    Zero. Peace. Chill. You're venting an awful lot of anger that, for the vast majority of cyclists, is simply not warranted. The video camera is there, for most cyclists, in case there's an incident. Nothing more, nothing less. No setups, no intention to cause trouble, just a desire to make sure that there is documented evidence of what really happened, rather than having a "he-said-she-said" back and forth with nothing coming of it. Regardless of who is right and who is wrong, it's always the cyclist that comes off second best in an argument with a car; I cannot think of a single cyclist that would choose to pick that argument. Oh, and as for "unauthorised video clips", there is no expectation of privacy in a public place; and unless there's an incident that needs to be followed up, it's going to be deleted/overwritten. The exact same argument could be made of closed-circuit TV cameras.

    You talk about cyclists harassing people. I can think of several incidents of unprovoked attacks from car drivers: a guy leaning out a window, swatting cyclists on the backside as his mate drives past; projectiles being hurled; that sort of thing. Cars passing with very little room (it's happened to me, far too many times). Cars turning in front of cyclists, cutting them off because they failed to realise just how fast a bike can travel. Thumbtacks scattered on bicycle paths. Around and around it goes, until it no longer matters how it started or whose responsibility it might be … only how it's going to finish, and who's going to make the first step towards making things calm.

    We tend to see in others what we project ourselves. I humbly submit that it would be better for all involved if we all calmed down, took the heat out of our words, and actually listened to the concerns on all sides. It costs very little for a car driver to give a bit of room and a bit of time to the cyclist, and it saves a hell of a lot of stress. I try to do my part by being predictable and visible, and it generally seems to work..

    This is devolving into a pointless shouting match, so I am done here, unless things take a turn for the civil. Much as I would like to, sadly, I'm not holding my breath.
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