one punch = death =life in.prison , page-23

  1. 22,698 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7
    "I would like to see statistics on when (what time) most alcohol fueled crime occur"

    Cgt, I think the last two deaths from king hits in Sydney were well before midnight.

    When Australia had the "six o'clock" swill violence and domestic violence was at its highest not long after 6pm.

    The NSW government reacted to the media instead and made a kneejerk reaction. At least the Newman government is prepared to look at initiatives to curb the violence.

    How do you know a 5am closing time doesn't allow for an orderly process of people leaving a premises. Usually by 5am, clubs and pubs have died down a lot because people have left on their own accord.

    Is it so much safer to have everyone in a city leave a premises and drunk at the same time whether it is 12am, 1am or 2am? I fail to see where spilling everyone onto the street at the same time, full of ink, competing for cabs is so much safer than a more orderly process of people leaving through attrition. Is there evidence to say early closing times are so much safer?

    I am past clubbing but I like that the QLD government is prepared to look at ways, like a database for trouble makers, then just thinking the problem will disappear with a 3am closing time. The NSW Government was just pandering to the media. At least Newman is prepared to look at ways of punishing the 1% instead of the 99% who are capable of having a good time without resorting to violence.
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