now bush is going to invade iran, page-36

  1. 3,704 Posts.
    "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference"

    Guys/Girls, until recently I let these things get to me and to what purpose?

    Personally I think for the following reasons it is unlikely the US will invade Iran:

    1. It will cost a staggering amount of money

    2. Iran aren't pussies it will be a tougher fight than Iraq (and the US hate fighting anyone with a chance of fighting back because the yanks are not fighters but bullies, it's a different thing).

    3. The US will be threatening the oil supply of a few nations that may not like them doing it. Whilst the US has a greater military strength than, say, China, they are too gutless to take on someone who can bloody their nose.

    4. The US is already having a hell of a job getting soldiers. They've pretty much dug into the national guard as far as they can (as we saw after Katrina) and recruitment drives just aint working.

    5. Bush is lame duck, he's gone after the next election so Republicans left to clean up his mess when he's gone will have that on their mind when it comes time to supporting the moron (or coward I can never decide which accurate description of that slime to use).

    BUT even if I'm wrong and they do go in, so what? My gold shares will benefit and I'll have yet another reason to turn the TV off.

    If they do go in and the wealth of the USA goes even more from the many to the few (a handful of Bush/Cheney mates) I say f$%k em for voting for these t&rds in the first place.

    If another few thousand US service men and women die well so what? That's what the people of the USA want isn't it? They keep voting for it, they keep cheering Bush on so as I said before f$%k em.

    Not a damned thing anyone here says, types or does will change a single thing so the best course of action is to make money out of it.

    Ah, now I feel better.
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