9/11 explosive evidence, page-157

  1. 2,796 Posts.

    "USA used the lie of "weapons of mass destruction" to invade Iraq."

    What a load of total absolute rubbish, this is only claimed by conspiracy theorists. and also has nothing to do with 9/11

    The actual fact is in 1945 Iraq joined the UN, which means it agrees to UN Law

    Sadam was part of a minority muslim religion in Iraq and they were killing off the majority muslim religion over there. As well as killing millions of other people like all the kurds.

    One day somone tried to kill sadam shooting his car with a sniper rifel, so Sadam had everyone in that town executed and destroyed all their farmland.

    You history probably doesnt know this either but Saddam invaded kuwait, and the US jumped in and pushed Saddam back into Iraq and was going to clean him up totally removing out of power. This made everyone in Iraq happy as they were in the majority muslim religion that his regim hated. and agreed to help the US.

    but the UN said no, so America didnt remove him, and millions of Iraqis were killed by sadam for standing up against him.

    Sadam was well known for killing millions of people and using gas on them (which is a WMD).

    fast forward to 10 years ago and there was sufficent intel warning the UN of sadam still playing with WMD.

    The UN requested they wanted to send weapons inspectors in to check, which saddam must agree to with Iraq signing up to the UN but he refused for several months.

    America made the threat that if he did not comply with UN law they would actually remove him out of power this time. Saddam then allowed the UN in, but deliberatly took them to all the wrong spots they were asking for.

    That is why the US took him out, because he was a evil dictator who had killed millions and was not complying to UN law.

    what does any of this have to do with the US flying planes into their buildings and putting themselves $trillions in debt?

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