sack magistrate ron saines for muslim bias, page-25

  1. 18,060 Posts.
    A new political party, Anti Pedophile Party is trying to get started. Membership is free. For all of those interested, send an email to [email protected]. Details below. Dear Friends,
    My name is Russell Pridgeon, and I am starting a new political party: the Australian Anti-paedophile Party. This is intended to be a single issue party, created to hopefully become a balance of power party in the Senate in the Australian Federal Parliament. As a balance of power party we aim to force legislation through parliament that has been too hard, too contentious and too controversial to gain traction in the political mind. The thrust of this legislation will be to mandate education into child sexual abuse and the behaviour of paedophiles for all those professionals who deal with children. We also want to make prosecution of paedophiles much easier, and to seek for mandatory sentencing for paedophiles, because of the notoriously lenient sentencing by Australia’s judges. I will endeavour to make the courts transparent and make the judges and all other people and organisations who fail to properly protect children accountable.
    Absolute power has corrupted many of them absolutely.
    To get to the bottom of what has been happening in the courts will require a Royal Commission: Name and Shame!This is an idea whose time has come! There has never been a better time to start a party like this. Please help us

    As background, I am a general medical practitioner of 30 years standing, who found himself drawn into the child protection system and the courts after having to try to protect a child from a highly effective and sinister paedophile over 6 years. I was drawn into a nightmare, and to my horror I found that, not only did the courts and the police and the child protection authorities fail to protect the child, they actually supported the paedophile and acted against the protective parent. I am sure you have heard similar stories before, many times, so I will not dwell on it.

    I have become involved in child protection organisations as a result of seeking their aid and advice, and have been working with them.
    Our experiences, as horrifying as they are, are at the mild end of the scale.

    There is quite obviously a systematic practice of disbelieving a child’s disclosure of abuse, blaming the protective parent for the disclosures, by accusing them of coaching the child to make the accusations, treating the protective parent like a criminal, ordering the protective parent to have psychiatric evaluation, removing the child from the protective parent because they are “emotionally abusive/psychologically damaging to the child”, ordering the child into the custody of the parent whom the child has disclosed is abusing them, only allowing the protective parent to have supervised contact with the child thereafter. The problem is huge, hundreds or thousands each year.Generally, the public has not heard about this: it is because when it occurs in the Family Court of Australia: none of the actions of the court may be publicised, the media will not touch it. It has been hidden from you.The accepted facts of child sexual abuse may be summarised as:
    - one girl in 3, one boy in 6, with suffer contact sexual abuse before the age of 18yrs, CSA is a commonplace in our society.
    - 95-98% of this abuse will be perpetrated by family or at least persons very well known to the family, stranger danger, as appalling as it is, is relatively uncommon.
    - these are crimes of secrecy, perpetrated in the family home, behind closed doors, the victim is usually a young child, too terrified, or too young, to be a credible witness. There is very seldom physical evidence, where there is, the injuries heal very quickly.
    - If the child’s disclosures are disbelieved the child is discouraged from further disclosures- children cannot lie about those things that they cannot know without being exposed to them: they have to be believed
    - research shows that one third of adults would disbelieve a child’s disclosures of CSA
    - the incidence of “coaching/training” of children has been studied in several countries studies show an incidence of 1-2%, other studies show an incidence of 5%, i.e. by simple arithmetic 95% of children returned by the courts to the person whom they have accused of abusing them will suffer ongoing abuse.The failure of the courts to accept a child’s testimony creates the perfect crime: intra-familial child sexual abuse becomes a crime that cannot be prosecuted.

    It is as if the courts are trafficking children to paedophiles

    The grief and suffering of the protective parents whose children are handed over to their abusers is unimaginable.
    I cannot bear to think about what happens to the children

    I am seeking to network with all of the organisations that oppose CSA and work with them to apply pressure to the government of the day to pass legislation to make Australia a safe place for our children.I do not propose to interfere in any way with the workings of any organisations, I only wish to support them, listen to their knowledge and ideas, and work with them to make many changes to the ways things are done in Australia so that child sexual abuse becomes extinct.

    I need 500 signatures from people who think as we do, so that I can register the party with the Australian Electoral Commission, can you help us with this?

    Russell Pridgeon
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