australian parents …. restart australia , page-53

  1. 8,256 Posts.

    Judging by some of the posts here that do not feel any pride coming from this great country, if that is how you feel, then I feel very sorry for you...

    ...i guess you happen to come from Australia but you have no right to call yourselves Australians and further you are not even privileged enough to classify yourselves as Australians.

    In the same way that you happenned to come from your mothers' wombs, I guess that is about it as far as family pride too.

    To those who say that our anthem is crap, well, do something to change it if you don't like it, although, if your child happenned to be ugly looking to some people, I'm sure you would be very defensive and tell them otherwise and that they are beautiful inside and that is what really counts.

    To those who think it is moronic to be nationalistic, bad luck - do you stand up in the middle of a mate's party and proclaim that it is boring and that those enjoying themselves are morons - it's your loss, but don't spoil it for everyone else. Instead, you need fo learn how to make the most of things instead of whinging if something does not suit you.

    It is what is inside that counts.

    There is a deeper meaning and sense of belonging that you ignore. I equate all this to the difference between people who are shallow and have no character and selfish, versus those who really do want not only the best for themsleves, but also those around them.

    It is all about respect.
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