NDO 0.00% 75.0¢ nido education limited

expect a strong day..????, page-24

  1. 5,609 Posts.
    analyser no problems on that front mate. that and how i have gone on planet gas [PGS] has provided me with my share of smiles. take a look at planet. I wonder about it short term and sold 500k out for a turn and will keep the balance. I might look back and wish i did not sell though. do you know the current live oil price? thanks.
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Mkt cap ! $171.0M
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76.0¢ 79.0¢ 74.5¢ $948.0K 1.309M

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1 11000 73.0¢

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79.0¢ 3000 1
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Last trade - 15.59pm 31/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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