scaring kids for gaia

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    I read with sadness that the UK Secretary of State for Education had warned teachers in the UK they are breaking the law if they fail to provide balanced coverage of climate change. Sadness, because in Australia, this confrontation with the educational status quo of catastrophic anthropocentric global warming is yet to happen, and is being pushed with religious fervor in my daughter’s school and, I assume, most others in New South Wales and across Australia.

    My daughter is in Year 6 at a private school in Sydney’s Lower North Shore. The Year 6 ‘unit of inquiry’ is Climate Change. I have complained to the school about the content of the course, and have been advised that, each year, many parents object to its biased nature. The teachers have rejected my concerns, claiming the curriculum forces them to present the material in this manner. The annual parental frustration with the course has become a joke amongst them.

    The online study resource contains a pantomime United Nations letter telling the children that climate change will kill us all unless the children do something. The key ‘outcomes’ of the inquiry are to (a) describe what climate change is, (b) describe what’s causing it, (c) describe the effects, (e) identify a solution, and (f) produce ‘evidence’ to support the decision.

    Yet this politicisation of children in the cause of climate catastrophism is not restricted to a particular ‘unit of inquiry’. Even the Year 6 art project is drawn into the argument:

    “Draw a picture about how terrible Climate Change is impacting our lives”.

    When questioned that this is clearly begging the question, the teachers refuse to discuss. Nine out of ten pieces of the children’s’ artwork seem to fret about climate change, with the iconic images of polar bears on icebergs featuring. I suggested that my daughter should submit a blank page.

    Even the maths classes are filled with prosletysing — pie charts and commentary about climate change, with students invited to explore ‘maths facts’ inspired by graphic representations of the damage done to the planet by coal and oil companies.

    The teachers now treat my questions with contempt; my daughter is being advised that the ‘sceptic’ position is for those ignorant of the truth, and that conservative governments are only furthering the damage.

    The Federal Education Minister advises this is a state-based educational issue, and I have raised it with the NSW Education Minister. However, until we have in either state or federal governments someone as confident as the UK Secretary of State for Education to stand up to this socio-political engineering at school, I fear there will be no change and, in the turn of the next Labor/Greens government, it will only be further entrenched.

    Get them young… This isn’t education: it is outrageous politicisation of children. Whilst there is such a fervor to keep religion out of schools, it a shame the green cult isn’t placed under the same constraints.

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