open system theory applied to evolution., page-198

  1. 1,452 Posts.
    "Trademanic asked for observable evidence of Darwinian evolution of something changing its kind."

    Yes, that is all I asked for. It's that simple. And you have given me moths that changed colour but are still moths. Lizards that got bigger heads but are still lizards and a collection of monkey skulls that were all monkeys.

    Not one of you over the last 3 days have provided an example according to the question and yet the question isn't hard to understand. I can only assume that not one of you have based your belief on fact or solid research. So cut out the back slapping and platitudes when you aren't deserving of either.

    Your belief in evolution is mere blind faith. You can't provide one scrap of evidence to substantiate your beliefs. Why most of you are so ignorant to what Darwinian Evolution is that your reliance upon Google is shocking. Copy and pasting with no real understanding of subject matter doesn't make you correct. Getting on your high horse and answering a question with a question doesn't make you correct. The only thing that will show you correct is an answer to the question posed.

    We all no that an answer forth coming is as likely as the Pink pigeon theory.

    Now that's GAME, SET & MATCH.

    Consider yourselves manicked.
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