what is god and why should one subscribe, page-33

  1. 3,947 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 328
    Trader, fair question.

    There are a lot of things. The first is looking for the truth honestly and actively. The arrogant and wicked will not and cannot understand. They are blocked.

    If you look for it, you will start to find it, and with time more, and more. Im quite a way down that path and it gets more and more fascinating. Then as you start to understand you have to stand up for it. And try to follow the Commandments. At any cost to your social popularity. It can commonly be bitterly and painfully difficult. Many have been murdered for it, but it works. Im not an uneducated person, more the opposite. But if you honour and follow the creator of all things, He will help you. Best of all the promise is that death will have no power over you.
    Protection? So much. eg. One of a number. 10 years ago I fell from a ladder a long way onto a concrete path. I hit my head and smashed my arm so badly it was one of the worst breaks ever seen at a major trauma hospital in Sydney. I now have a semi titanium arm.
    A that precise moment in the backblocks of the northern beaches a theatre nurse from a teaching hospital had rejected three previous parking spots and was getting out of her car at the precise and only point where I could be seen from the street. She had come to buy fabric at a nearby shop. I called out for help before losing consciousness and she rushed up and stayed with me, holding my head in the precise position required to help if I had broken my back. For two hours. There were two ambulances etc . If she had not been there at that moment I could now be a paraplegic.
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