open system theory applied to evolution., page-215

  1. 7,453 Posts.

    By the way,you asked a few questions of me a few posts back,i answered the questions as you were having a kleenex that you were the only one who had to answer questions

    I can honestly say,i can see why you see things the way you do,because you have presented your faith in an ordered fashion,very detailed and understandable.

    I have basically read all that before so your understanding is the most common understanding of evolution theory,its basically the one i was taught,as science at high school

    "This picture shows snapshots of species leading from Pakicetus to Mysticetus. It shows the progression of the loss of legs, the changes and retention of features in the skull, and the development of the tail as a continuum for species on the time line. This is what would be expected of the intermediary species on an evolutionary path.

    The evidence lies in terms of the gradually changing features in a way that can be linked and in the retention of other features. We cannot see legs actually disappearing but along a time line can see changes in the legs from species to species. In the tree analogy we cannot see the tree growing by just looking at it but we can see tree growth from the difference in its size in time.

    We don't identify changes of the magnitude shown as happening to one species. This is because they are called different species by the time these changes happened."

    imo,this sinerio is just entering in the middle of the story,dosent explain the main questions of life(origins)as everything has to have a foundation of which to build its end sinerio,this is just basic common sense

    The above sinerio you presented is based on nothing more than assumptions and bias,making a sinerio fit,when you have zero evidence thats why the excuse is made that the changes are so gradual that you cant prove them,but yet your a heretic if you dont believe this on faith

    We have only just touched on the surface only one of the many many problems with this evolution belief

    How and what process does simply organisms evolve into complex organism,as we observe in our world the basic known fact that knowledge,always and in every instance,comes from a greater source of knowledge

    If we can find complex organism further down the so called assumed evolutionary scale,then the whole premise collapses

    Ie advanced man living way down the scale of time in evolutionary thought,for example man living in unison with dinosaurs,advanced tools machinery evidence being found etc at a time when evolution assumes man was in a hunter gatherer stage,proof of advanced civilizations etc in assumed history,the whole story falls to shreds,too many basic scientific and historical problems to mention

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