sub prime didnt prick the buble, page-69

  1. 10,843 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    What is so special about fremantle

    Does it have 300 megs of sub 500ppm salinity?
    Does it harvest 1200 bins of avocados per annum?
    Does it yield 1.8T of crustaceans per annum?

    You got no idea how to build wealth. Dodging and ducking like flies.

    Society has been fed a huge con - inner city living.
    On the rat race, taxed to the hilt, rates and strata paying her off for the rest of her life. Papers promoting it even the clown pocket folks on hotcopper are hooked to reference it.

    amen to my vision to see through the fog.
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