how much have the waiters lost, page-93

  1. 2,167 Posts.
    The four or so I hold? How would you know what I hold? Yes I comment on some, some are trades and some are long.

    I dont know how you would know my finances in the slightest to even make these comments that I dont have any money or am a one trick pony. I love property, I want the market to come back down to earth where the rest of us live so I can begin playing the market as well...but at these prices I can see that many families who think that property is their answer to retirement are going to be destroyed and owe far more on their mortgage than what their property is worth.

    I do have a business and I do plenty of research on these things and I have plenty of play money. At my age, I much prefer go for higher risk with higher reward as I have a long time to recover if they fail, so far my winners have far offset the losses, which aren't losses in my eyes as I accumulate constantly until the bottom on certain shares.

    Care to answer my question I asked? or are you more focused on making out that I have no money and make no money (both of which are extremely wrong) to make yourself feel better?

    There are asset bubbles all around the developed world because of insane amounts of debt, this is the reason for high property prices... cheap and easy money, and if you say the old argument of "its supply and demand" yes you are correct...but demand is artificially high due to what I just said, people who previously couldn't buy houses now can and that has been driving demand up artificially and now these people struggle to make ends meet already with the amount of debt they have. The show can not go on forever, there has to be a correction, I am not talking 1-2% I am talking stuff that will make headlines and people will not see coming. Any market with so much debt involved has to be looked at in a different way I believe.
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