help ban religious instruction in state school, page-11

  1. 24,284 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 34

    Thanks for those links, I will send in my submission stating exactly why SRI should be KEPT in schools. And lets face it, when all the insecure atheists have gotten their way all that will be left is the blind faith based belief that "Once upon a time, there was nothing, which exploded, and that explosion was not like every other explosion because it made all the maths and all the logic and all the physics. Then one day, some magic rocks (or maybe it was undiscovered aliens? or maybe some God that may or may not exist but if it does is too useless to make stuff properly) turned into self-regulating and self-replicating living organisms which then eventually turned into all the flowers and the bees and the rabbits and the trees and the monkeys and the tigers and the fruit bats. Your parents don't really love you, that's just meaningless chemicals in their brains. You are worth nothing because you are merely a cosmic accident without meaning (except for any meaning that you can invent to give yourself 'worth'), everything in life is futile as even the universe itself will one day die and everything you ever were, everything you have ever achieved will have been for nothing."

    So yeah, lets teach our kids this and see how society turns out. I wonder if believing that fairy tale would lead to depression and suicide, drug abuse and rampant immorality with all of it's side-effects? Nah, how could it? That's 'scientific truth' and anything different should not be taught to kids. Especially anything that might give them hope or cause them to wonder at the beauty of life and the universe. Some atheists are so pathetically funny, it would be cute if they weren't so hell-bent on ramming their faith down everyone else's throat and conducting their own crusades against everyone else's beliefs.
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