ukraine's "anti-terrorist" operation fiasco, page-56

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    Well gee exberliner,

    My Sydney Morning Herald seems to refute your Kiev slanted view on the voting and the shutting of the coalmine.
    I wonder why that is so.

    Suppose you blame Russia for that as well.

    This is just a snippet from the article:


    "We don't have a legitimate government in Kiev,” he told reporters. “There is a de facto president of Ukraine, the ousted Viktor Yanukovych, and just because he is not at his desk does not mean that other people can take over. We have people who are themselves illegal telling us that we are illegal.”
    Legitimate or not, voters interviewed by Fairfax Media made clear they had a basket of grievances with the Kiev government.
    At a school in Donetsk’s Voroshilovskiy district, Alla Kersanova said her vote to break with Ukraine was driven by two issues: “I am Russian ... and I don’t want Europe’s liberal laws on homosexuality.”
    Complaining of the economic reforms needed for Ukraine to qualify for membership of the European Union, 30-year-old mechanical engineer Igor Buitrov claimed his "yes" vote was a vote for stability: “My future is with Moscow, not Europe.”
    And at a rebel checkpoint on the outskirts of Slaviansk, the half-dozen men on duty, all buddies since they attended school together,complained mostly about economic issues. They were either unemployed, had poor-paying jobs in struggling enterprises or ran businesses that were in trouble.
    While an effigy of a Ukrainian government soldier dangled from a noose above them, 24-year-old engineer Yuri Evchenko referred to the government forces in the area as "occupiers". Bitter about his low salary, he said: “All this will change under the Russians.”
    Oleg Gerasimov, 31, blamed corruption in Kiev for the closure of a coalmine from which he had been made redundant - “and, yes, we’d have less corruption if we joined Russia”.
    Demis Shpakovsky, a 31-year-old mechanic, argued: “For 24 years we have been independent and for 24 years Kiev has lied to us.”
    The Foreign Ministry in Kiev branded the referendum a “criminal farce” and described the rebel leadership as a “gang of Russian terrorists”.
    There might have been a different outcome to the referendum had Kiev found a way to encourage those who oppose any break with Kiev to attend and to vote "no". Recent opinion polls in the region show strong support for it remaining a part of Ukraine - as high as 70 per cent.
    The country’s interim president Oleksandr Turchynov warned the rebel movements they could steer away from catastrophe by agreeing to talks with Kiev - but "terrorists" could not take part, he said.
    "Those who stand for self-rule do not understand that it would mean complete destruction of the economy, social programs and life in general for the majority of the population in these regions," he posted on his website.

    Sergiy Pashinskiy, a senior government official in Kiev, also resorted to the "they’re all terrorists" rhetoric, which seems only to inflame anti-Kiev passions in the east.
    “The so-called referendum in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions is an attempt by the terrorists to cover up their crimes,” Mr Pashinskiy said, while threatening the referendum organisers would be prosecuted. “In fact, there is no referendum taking place.”
    He said there was voting going on only in about one-third of the region, and that the organisers of the separatist balloting would be prosecuted.


    Exberliner, people are sick of your rhetoric.
    The stuff you post is propaganda.

    What happened in Odessa was a distgusting right sector violation of human rights. The majority were Odessites that were murdered by the Neo-con thugs. They murdered their own people. They raped a woman and then torched her head. They strangled a pregnant woman. They commited disgusting atrocities. I have seen the pictures, seen a 25 minute video, have read transcripts of witnesses who managed to escape the building. Then there are the 400 odd US Blackwater mercinaries, or should I should I say Alumini.

    You see, unlike you we don't all get our information from one source. Washington poured money into the initial coup to cause the initial uprising. Even though your claims that they were just Mum and Dads defending their rights for freedom for Ukraine, you did not take many of our posts seriously, that we cited thugs neocon fascists. You dismissed it as rt propaganda. You also dismissed the possibility of a civil war between east and west and that Ukraine were united. Fast forward and what do you have. A staged coup trying to claim legitimacy by the west, Nato and the illegitimate EU self appointed, self elected Rumpoy, the old rag that not even Nigel Farage of the UKIP party knew existed. Nuland, Brennan, the CIA are all rooting for KIEV because they have invested in using every propaganda trick in the book to make Ukraine slaves to the Oligarchs whilst they strip away your assets and have Nato place nuclear capabilities stretched right across the borders of Ukraine and Russia.

    That is the true nature of what is happening. You do not speak for the East Ukraine people. They want their own governance, not Kievs and most do not want Russian either.

    Regarding Russian troops in Crimea, they were entitled to 25,000 as agreed by the original treaty that was signed which involved a paid up lease. The 40k troops were the numbers touted around was nothing more than propaganda as Kiev did not know. It was warmonger Kerry that beefed up the numbers. Russia moved quickly to protect its assets.

    Exberliner, you can say what you like, but history of the Oligarchs previous invasions paints a completely different picture. Make no mistake, if anyone thinks Nato will just casually move so called defence systems up to the borders of Russia as they look on will be sorely mistaken. Kiev thinks the IMF funding is a better alternative? There are more strings attached than piano strings. Look at the decimation that has been caused for the so called freedom for democracy that you claim you are fighting for. Ukraine will die a slow death as the assets are stripped. Whats more, your killing Ukranians to achieve your fantasy.

    I call that delusionary.

    Cheers markco2
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