bring back the mrrt tax, page-28

  1. 22,500 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 769
    Hi all,

    According to Australian Debt :

    Commonwealth Government debt = $348 billion
    State & Lacal Gov Debt.................. =$279 Billion
    Total Aussie Gov Debt....................=$625 billion
    Interest P/A @ 3.14%.....................=$19.6 billion per year

    Australia's population....................=23.489 million

    That folks is $26,600 debt per man, woman and child.

    So if you are in a household of say 2 adults and three children, that's a lazy
    $133,000 on top of your mortgage because the debt has in effect been racked up by you.

    If you dont want to personally pay the debt then what do you suggest?

    My proposal is that it is paid off by further taxing our resources.

    I know some will say that this will kill off the minerals industry but as they say
    in the classics, show me an example? It is fine speculating but examples
    speak louder than words.

    My example is Norway which taxes its oil and gas resources and formed
    the world's largest soverign fund to supply pensions and social services to its citizens and this has not stopped Norway's export of oil and gas

    Norway's soverign fund in now $854 Billion USD and for a country of 5 million
    that is a provision of $174000 USD per man woman and child. The Norwegians know how to look after their own !.

    The Liberal Governement's mean hearted budget strategy is the "reverse Robin Hood" ; that is take from the poor to pay the rich.

    not bad, eh, if we cop it sweet ?


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