student protest, page-10

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    Well the targeting of Liberal woman politicians and even non-politicians but even former Liberal women politicians, with this kind of feral violence, intimidation and threats will turn off a lot of sane people...

    This is pure thuggery and baying-lynch-mob style, hair-trigger violence purposely directed at women that has no place in our civil society...

    It is not unlike Chairman Mao and his firing up and unleashing of his massed Red Guards of brainwashed feral youngsters on his political opponents to publicly harass, humiliate, injure and even kill those who dared to oppose Mao...

    The union-bosses are probably the shadowy puppet-masters behind the scenes here, directing and financing some of these "student" stooges and possibly even filling their ranks with union thugs and foot-soldiers to ramp up the violence...

    Action will need to be taken by our police and security forces before the obvious dangerous baying-lynch-mob mentality of these "students" gets out of hand and someone is seriously hurt or even killed...

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