.... abbott is a pm without power, page-60

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    These lefties are desperate to return to the good old days of the failed Turnbull as Liberal leader when under Turnbull's failed and lackluster leadership, the Liberal party was in disarray, completely dispirited and Turnbull was betraying his fellow liberal politicians and the electorate by colluding with the then labor PM Rudd to burden Australian families with a draconian and stifling, fantasy-based carbon-dioxide tax, that was eventually rejected by all...

    Turnbull proved himself to be a complete failure at leadership beclowing himself with the self-created Godwin Gresh fiascoand hasnt yet been able to realize that the AGW hoax is just that, a fabricated hoax to enrich financial predators and hobble the western world with massive taxes...

    Naturally lefties would like the failed, stumbling, lack-luster, labor-friendly leadership of Turnbull back again so that their failed Rudd/Gillard/Rudd clown circus does not look so bad in comparison...

    Would you buy a slightly used car model, the failed "Liberal leader" from these deceptive leftie used car salesmen...
    -Low mileage because it failed to start again and again...
    -Unreliable and will probably betray you if it gets the chance

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