are uni students so dumb, page-18

  1. 10,423 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    ...It doesn't matter who you vote for, if you want something work for it, if you truly want it you will find a way

    Never truer words spoken.

    A bloke who was born with flappers for arms and short stumpy legs, a Thalidomide child...went on to create a successful earthmoving business in Northern Rivers.

    The young woman who was knocked from her bike and broke virtually every bone in her body, died but was bought back...she had a passion, a dream she never lost to be a commercial pilot and a pilot trainer, she fought her way back with determination to achieve her dreams and goals, she went on to train pilots and works as a pilot with an airline.

    There are hundreds of examples of people that achieved their goals through guts and determination, had they not they would probably be on the dole.
    The kids these days grow up with an "attitude"...this is what I want it but I expect some one else to pay for it!

    How many "kids" do you hear of or speak to that went to Uni to study a degree or gain some qualification, then never use it, or give it away after three years as it is too hard?
    If they had to work hard for it, they would appreciate it, and probably not go to Uni and waste other people's time and effort, potentially excluding people that would pursue their goals and dreams.

    Many Uni students aren't dumb, they just need to grow a brain! At 18 their brain is still learning to be adult and how to make rational decisions...

    If you want something badly enough, you will find a way to achieve your is full of challenges, never ever give up, that's a basic and that's just the way life is.

    If you want something, don't expect it to be handed to you on a plate, get off your own ass and make it happen for yourself! That individual will be a far better person and have a far more successful career for the effort...
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