Gillard still spending Australian government money, page-3

  1. 436 Posts.
    hey vistica ... before you start frothing at the mouth, why don't you actually stop and think for a second...

    the implication in that article is so massively skewed that it borders on an outright lie.

    Julia Gillard has NO AUTHORITY to allocate tax payer money ... the current government awards / spends / allocates money ( use whatever verb you want ) ... she's not even in Parliament, LET ALONE making decisions about the budget.

    right now, the coalition (you know Tony Abbott et al.) have allocated $140 million to the GPE ... THEY spent that money ... it just happens that Julia Gillard is the chair of it.

    if JG resigns tomorrow, the GPE will still have $140 million from the government.

    I mean, come on! ... this stuff doesn't even come close to party politics ... it's just basic analysis! ... you don't need to be a raving lefty or a neo-con to realise that...

    JG has no power ... none! ... she has as much power to allocate tax payer money as you or I.

    The current Government spent this money ... they awarded it to a MASSIVE group called GPE and JG is currently the chair of it ...

    End of story.
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