God, page-177

  1. 7,453 Posts.
    Thats a good understanding from a mainstream point of view,or orthodox understanding imo

    To me also,that view made no sense at all that Adam did something that i had no control of but yet i am guilty
    of what he did

    The way i understand this now is different from the above

    Mankind was created in Gods image,perfect in all his ways

    Adam through his own free will,chose to disobey or disbelieve what God had told him

    This is the entry of death to this world,mankind then was not 100% anymore,sin began in disbelief in Adams mind,
    his thoughts would and could not, EVER be perfect anymore.

    His personal choice effected mankind,because the only type of humanity,that now existed after Adams choice to disbelieve God and choose his own way ,was now a fallen humanity.Forever now,the only type of humanity that Adam and Eve could pass on to their offspring etc,was the type they had,fallen humanity,with the natural propensity to follow their own desires and wants,rather than be in perfect harmony from which they were created naturally to desire Gods way.

    Man became lost

    Just as the created being and archangel Lucifer,said in his heart,he will be like the most high,lucifer was the origin of ego,choosing to follow his own desires and agendas,these thoughts began and grew in his mind,his mind eventually alienated himself from God,by his own free will and choice,just like man had done

    Mankind,because of what Adam did,could only inherit from Adam,what he had,all Adam had was a mind with a propensity to sin(disbelieve god)

    God said,in the day that you shall eat of the tree you shall surely die

    Satan,said,if you eat of the tree,you shall become like God

    Here is the battle on earth,one view says to to disbelieve god= death

    The other side says,YOU shall be like God or become Godlike and God dosent want you to know this

    In order to save mankind from this predicament

    God had to recreate a type of humanity that could be redeemed from this natural propensity to go his own way

    In order to redeem,You have to defeat sin,where sin entered this world

    In order to redeem mankind to the image of God

    There had to be something of equal value to what was lost

    Mankind had lost his perfect mind,and the propensity to naturally want to do Gods will and fully posses his spirit

    Only one who was like God,could redeem us

    Someone of equal value,equal character,and substance as God

    The only being in the universe who was able to offer mankind to return to what he had lost by disobedience

    Was one who was like god,the express image of his person

    His son,willingly offered to win mankind back to be able to have eternal life bestowed back to humanity

    It was never Gods purpose for his creation to chose to turn from him,but because he created man with the ability to have free choice,he had to allow the choice that was made

    That choice meant,God could not let man have eternal existence anymore,because obviously from observing what happens when man is left to his own will and devices,this world is an example of what happens

    Chaos! war death pain rebellion!

    Gods son,met sin where it entered,he had to become man,to redeem man

    He laid aside his princely rights of heaven,and took the form of fallen man here on this earth,he met sin head on,being born just like we are,to become our example

    The difference between Jesus life and our life,is because of who jesus was,the divine son of the eternal God,he was born with no propensity to sin,his mind was the mind he had before this earth.It was natural for him to want to obey his fathers will unlike us.

    He lived his life on earth by constantly commiting his will to his father and asking for divine guidance as our example,he was able to resist his fleshly desires that were constantly battling against his pure mind.He hungered,he thirst,he was tired,he took upon himself fallen humanity like we posses ,and overcame it by never once submitting to his fleshly desires,until his life was taken

    Now,mankind had a redeemer,a type of mankind that had never existed before

    Jesus reunited God with humanity through his own perfect life

    So those who now believed that he was the son of God,through his life,can receive his actual presence into their own life,and will not be found guilty of what the first Adam did,because they believed in the second Adam,Jesus Christ our rightousness

    Paganism,humanism,etc all teach the truth is in you,you can become like God just as the first lie satan told in eden

    Christianity says,because of what Jesus did,if you believe in his life and sacrifice,you may have eternal life through belief and love of Gods son,he becomes our rightousnes,the free gift of god,if any individual believes in what Jesus did,you will be saved

    By one man,Adam sin entered into the world

    By one man,the second Adam,if you believe in what he did and stood for,and follow him,you may have eternal life bestowed back to you from which our first parents lost that right

    Here is a better example of this in this pdf

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