QGC to strip 175 farms of cropping status., page-12

  1. 17,482 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1

    They have already signed the Pacific Free Trade Agreement which if Im not wrong gives foreign business the legal right to sue any government either state or federal if said government makes legislation that affects the foreign companies bottom line.
    In affect our government now has to do and make laws after checking with these corporations to see if their ok with it.
    Australia now has very few sovereign rights, and only those that benefit these corporations.

    Abbott/Hockey have signed our rights away already. People are just not interested and don't really care. Wait till Bail In laws are introduced, people wont do anything. We are being boiled like the frog, slowly so that no one jumps out of the pot.
    We are now owned by the U.K./U.S.. The U.S. forces are being ramped up in Australia and a new base is being built for them in the top end. We are paying for US Aircraft that will be twice the price and cant even fly yet and here we are paying for them. We have a government that is Americanising our Health, Education, Welfare and military.
    We are now at the mercy of this U.S./U.K. alliance and will do whatever they want us to do including sending our young men and women to die in a European war and for what. So the U.S./U.K. Banks can stop the Russians and Chinese from using currencies other than the USD.
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