ABC on extremists, page-61

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    I applaud keenan for fronting up and facing down that collection of islamofacist bigots and their cowardly,ignorant, running-dog apologists that the ABC gathered together for a hate-Australia-fest...

    Keenan performed well against a stacked head-scarf-donning, hate-filled audience withTony Jones interrupting him at every second word to ensure he was never able to freely make a point while giving the islamofacist apologist clowns free-range for uninterrupted speeches to proclaim their dogma and spew hatred...

    Better to know the enemy and their tactics of lies,deception and propaganda and the ABC has certainly given us all an education on the absolute hate-filled dogma-spewing insanity we face and on the never-ending cowardice of our labor party politicians
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