Politics is too full of politicians., page-26

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    pseudonymX - if you label the current LNP Federal Government as "incompetent" - then I don't dare comtemplate what dastardly labels could be affixed to Labor - who, in their six years of total "Empire Destructive" anti- Australian best interests out of control power-hungry rampaging - carred out over SIX year of gross mismanagement - took Australian into a political wilderness. Playing ugly games of "who'll be leader next" back stabbing musical chairs - totally self-obsessed - Ministers drunk with power and their own egos - too much time spent on ugly and daily sociopathic poncing preener "press conferences" - so called "leaders" - wrecking our economy. Killing off young citizens in the Pink Batts wild scheme. The authors of this fatal debacle still preening around at various cocktil parties and Labor love-ins. Not even having the shame to lower their heads. The list of the guilty of these various disastrous decisions is LONG!

    And where are the likes of Windsor and Oakeshott? Not doing unpaid voluntary community work, I'll bet. As so many battlers I know are doing - without any thought of money - let alone themselves ! Helping thei neighbours - strangers! Them - Liberal voters. Brave heroes - and heroines. No lattes and trendy cocktail parties - No endless trendy Labor Government grants and handouts given over canapes and champers at snooty cocktail parties - no GG's launching fairy tale books!
    Yet do they have REAL tales to tell.

    The Labor voters, in the same areas as these battlers - doing very nicely thanks very much. Many of them moved into certain areas, (details I can't go into - hair stand on end stuff) and, greedy hands out, ensured they procured all the cushy jobs the then Labor State Government were (allegedly) making available to many of their Party scophants - their own "true believers". Some of these so favored, allegedly, actually rorting the system! Then - and some, still. Funny things have gone on!

    Yes, Labor always pretend they "defend" the "working man". When, in actuality, so often, the only thing they're relly defending - is their own wgos- and their own nack pockets! Allegedly! But boy, could I (and others) tell some tales. And might one day. But not on here - this site - elsewhere!. Now how does one spell "rort?"

    Labor were in for six years. SIX years. And now have the nerve to blame all and everything wrong - on the LNP. Unbelievable.

    So many guilty so noisy. So many who know some truths - deathly silent. Or silenced.
    Last edited by iron mike: 30/09/14
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