islam jesus (pbuh), page-56

  1. 17,289 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 511
    There will always be differences Pete11. That's what I find. Every time I try to point out that instead of looking at the speck of sawdust in Islam's eye that we should be attending to the plank in our own someone wants to point out why our crimes of hate are different to theirs. Do you have any idea how many posters have come back at me and ended their post with the phrase "that's the difference".

    But hate is hate and evil is evil. These things are not a function of a religion. The common denominator in all of these low points of humanity is that people are involved.....whether they be ISIS, or the German Nazis, or Chinese communists annihilating the Tibetan Buddhists, or the sadistic acts of the Japanese in world war 2, or American slave traders, or the genocide in the Bosnian war, or the Hutu majority wiping out 900,000 of the Tutsi minority in a 100 day ethnic cleansing. The common denominator in all of these atrocities is not is not even is just people. We are all capable of the most noble acts and of the darkest acts.
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