What makes a Lefty, page-59

  1. 83,965 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    Firstly it is a mistake to confuse lefties with labour supporters -- that is not necessarily so.

    There are a zillion lefties out there (of which I am one) - but, who do not support labour.

    Also ------------ polices are not necessarily always the same through history with the left or right parties you expect.

    The USA - is a prime example of this ---------------- look now at what the left side of politics (if you make that mistake of aligning left with say democrats) supports ----- then look back a couple of hundred years.

    Look also at the - shall we say flavour of what republicans are now - what they support -- then look back at who wanted to ditch slavery and what policies the republicans had then.

    What you find is it is pretty well pole opposite of what is now.

    History and time change things. Power changes things.

    Liberalism gets changed.

    IMO, at the moment -- that is exactly why it is a very big mistake to equate lefties with labour.

    Labour may have some similar thoughts to general leftism - but, they are hopeless at thinking things through and even more hopeless at execution.

    That doesn't make the liberals much better ----------- they definitely are better at execution - that is why things will run smoother -------------------- not all that good - but, smoother.

    Seeing what we have now - one gets the idea that having a plan today is better than having a better plan tomorrow. But in the end, the plan is pretty crappy.

    What Australia needs is a MUCH better moderately left leaning party AND a much better moderate right wing party.

    Right now - we have the dregs of a bit of both - and a few hangers on that should really be put in the looney bin.

    It is an atrocious situation ------------------------------- so bad, that if I had known it was going to get THIS bad - I may have entered politics a couple of decades ago ------------ something I never was interested in and something I never thought I would ever do ----------- but, seeing the lack of quality we have - well, someone is responsible for the trash we have -- and, I guess, I have to stand up and say ----------- well, I am partly to blame.
    All of us have allowed this to happen - and we should all be ashamed of what we have today - if is a disgrace.

    God knows, I hope our kids are better.

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