fbi probes fake papers on iraq created as part of , page-8

  1. 4,217 Posts.
    You jokers miss the point , intentionally of course, anyone could have produced the forgeries, Israel, US or Iraq.

    Seems odd that if you went to so much trouble , why make forgeries you could expose , unless you wanted them exposed.

    The other point you chose to totally ignore was in your own cut and paste."The country’s known stocks of nuclear fuel and equipment were removed or destroyed during the U.N. inspections after the war.
    But Iraq never surrendered the blueprints for its nuclear program, and it kept teams of scientists employed after U.N. inspectors were forced to leave in 1998."

    He hasnt given up. When your wonderful inspectors leave, .it'll be on again..
    Saddam Hussein #11........nuked up and ready to roll.

    I know you lot fully understand the ramifications, you just refuse to admit it , its not part of your agenda.

    So drop the phony humanitarian scam and just say it outright , youre here for the Kristallnacht Festival.
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