jews push us for iraq war - must read!

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    NEWSFLASH: Rep. Jim Moran forced to resign his Democratic leadership position in Congress. David Duke says that Congressman Moran's forced resignation is proof that his orginal comment about Jewish power were correct.

    EURO National President David Duke applaudes Rep. Jim Moran for telling the truth about the Israeli lobby and the war against Iraq

    New Orleans, Louisiana, March 14, 2003 … European-American Unity and Rights Organization (EURO) National President David Duke today applauded the comments of Virginia Congressman Jim Moran. David Duke released the following statement:

    Finally an elected official has told the truth about this war for Israel!

    Congressman Jim Moran (D-Va) made a simple but very true statement:

    "If it were not for the strong support of the Jewish community for this war with Iraq, we would not be doing this," said Moran, whose remarks were first reported by the Reston Connection newspaper. "The leaders of the Jewish community are influential enough that they could change the direction of where this is going, and I think they should."

    Of course this is absolutely true. Almost every major Jewish organization involved in public policy ardently supports this war. Israel and Sharon support this war. In fact they have been planning this war for years. Top advisors to the White House include many Zionist supporters of this war including Ari Fleischer, Paul Wolfowitz, Daniel Perle, Elliott Abrams, Douglas Feith, Lewis Libby and many more. The media is full of Zionists such as Wolf Blitzer, who go out of their way to unabashedly support this war. The fact is a great deal of the media is actually owned, and that's no exaggeration, by ardent Zionists, and other media has many Zionists in positions of management and news. Jewish domination of the media is no myth. It can be backed up with hard facts. If not for the weight of this Jewish power in government and media, and the most powerful foreign policy lobby in the world: the Israeli Lobby, we would not be on the brink of this crazy, stupid, costly, anti-American, pro-Israel war.

    This is a Jewish supremacist war, it is a war orchestrated by Israel; it is a Likud war; it is a war for Israel.

    The same Jewish power that Congressman Moran warned is now descending upon him as Rabbis are not only disputing his assertions but calling for his resignation. He has been forced to apologize, but that is still not enough for these people who think they have a right to have the authority over who should serve in the American congress. How dare Congressman Moran tell the truth about this pro-war Zionist cabal that controls the Neocons and the Republican Party today, as well as many Democrats.

    Jim Moran is the first Congressman to be so bold as to tell the simple truth. If not for this organized Jewish power there would be no War against Iraq, a war fought not in America' interests but for Israel!

    Former Representative David Duke
    House of Representatives
    State of Louisiana, United States of America

    The European-American Unity and Rights Organization (EURO) is the leading organization fighting against discrimination and for the rights and heritage of European-Americans. Learn more at

    New Source: Moran Said Jews Are Pushing War
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