shock and awe successful, page-60

  1. 450 Posts.
    hehehe.....classic leftie ..

    the US never lost a major battle.
    the NVA was decimated
    the US withdraw after the signing of the Paris Accord in 1973
    it was the NV who broke the accord and invaded SV in 75
    there was no us army to be defeated, the bulk of us forces had long gone.

    but once again ,like today, the white ants from within will once again undermine national resolve and snatch defeat from the jaws of victory..

    "Q: Was the American antiwar movement important to Hanoi's victory?
    A: It was essential to our strategy. Support of the war from our rear was completely secure while the American rear was vulnerable. Every day our leadership would listen to world news over the radio at 9 a.m. to follow the growth of the American antiwar movement. Visits to Hanoi by people like Jane Fonda, and former Attorney General Ramsey Clark and ministers gave us confidence that we should hold on in the face of battlefield reverses. We were elated when Jane Fonda, wearing a red Vietnamese dress, said at a press conference that she was ashamed of American actions in the war and that she would struggle along with us."

    in ww11 they werent so accomodating , they caught Lord HawHaw ..and hung him.

    worst Joan Fonda got was a threesome

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