My lifes confession, page-82

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    "But unto the Son he says, Your throne, O God, is forever and ever: a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of your kingdom." HEB 1.8 THIS IS THE FATHER HIMSELF talking about and calling jesus divine and saying it is right to worship him.Remember the bible says jesus as gods son is divine and divinity is to be worshiped,remember when Daniel went to bow down to worship **riel and he said stand up and do not worship me as i am only a servant too

    Yet when Jacob wrestled the angel,he ended up worshiping the angel,simply because Michael is represented or called an angel because he identified with the angels simply because it was the angels who first fell,he also is called the son of man when he came to this earth showing he identified with fallen mankind,he was also called the son of God because he identified with divinity"

    If this was true Trademanic,
    then why couldnt an angel have paid the sacrifice?
    or a holy man?
    why did it have to be Gods son,and if this fact isnt important,why did God give this lesson of losing ones son to abraham so he could understand what God had to endure?
    why did as i quote jesus say the fact he is the son of god would be the foundation of his church?if these facts are unimportant and just semantics?
    why did the jews kill jesus for saying he was gods son if it was semantics?
    why would god give the parrable of the vineyard where the man sends his only son eventually and they even killed him?
    Why if these concepts are unimportant are they mentioned all the way through the bible?
    Let me ask you this,what happened to mankind when Adam fell?Where did sin first enter the human race?

    "My understanding isn't upon the created part of it. The emphasis is upon the perfect part of it.
    Adam was a perfect man and Jesus born of a virgin meant he had no sin from Joseph"

    Was Mary a perfect woman?
    or a sinful woman?
    Jesus had to be born of a woman,to identify and also become flesh,to meet sin where sin first occurred
    Because Mary was a human being,this is where he inherited his flesh from is it not?the son of man?

    Joseph wasnt his father,the God of heaven was
    Jesus thus united divinty back with humanity and because mankind had lost what was first given him in eden,he could be redeemed only through Acceptance of this new Adam that jesus through his sinless life had made available to those who accept it in place of their own sinful carnal life

    Jesus was human/divine uniting them both back together by his sacrifice

    ". Thereby giving a perfect life for a perfect life lost. That's why it was a ransom sacrifice, the giving of one thing of equal or greater value to make the sacrifice valid"

    The thing lost wasnt what Adams life was,what was lost was the image of God in mankind,and the only one who could restore the image of God back into mankind was one who was the image of God
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