Tragic event in Cairns, page-26

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Enn - I agree - except that in the reporting, the onward march of "Big Brother" inflicted controls on us is alive and well - we being told "identities of victims are being witheld - "due to 'cultural' reasons'". THIS is what I object to.

    Now what would they be - whatever this conveys, we are all big boys and girls - we can face up to it - violence, madness and mayhem is not confined to any race or religion. But we are assumed - in pre-judgemental fashion - we may hear it and what, revolt? Rush out into the streets - with OUR machetes? Give us more credit.

    Herein we have just another example of the invidious, insidious slow stealth of our rights to freedom of speech being ever so gradually, subtly, whittled away.

    And journalists and their editors, bent by slanted idiologies - political, religious, ethnic, tribal whatever - events gradually becoming more and more subjectively and manipulatedly reported - first steps down the road to eventual Dictatorship - and even, eventual Totalitarianism.

    and so, I don't agree with someone in some remote high falutin' newspaper office - or government chamber - deciding, for us- what we can and cannot hear.

    This "feed them only what I decree they can hear" arrogance is now becoming the norm.

    Yes, I think we're all of us, grown up.

    But not liking being treated like absolute dim-witted nitwits, red necks and racists, or massively intolerant.

    "It's 'religious' " claims are NO shield to hide behind, for anyone - whomever, wherever. Whatever the so-called "religion". It's rules and regimes. Whatever the unspeakable act, committed by it's adherent - or adherents - or at least tolerated, silently. With regard to this latest tragedy - incomprehensible - God is not present in this.

    Alternately, "it wasn't anything to with with "religion" - is an excuse fallen back on heavily this week - yes, used by many a newspaper or TV news editor, pollie, or religious leader - in reference to some vicious miscreant, and/or their supporters; a stance portrayed, deliberately, post awful event - so that this specific "religion" (whichever one) - is let off the morally reprehensible and responsible hook - let alone the impresion that it's intolerant, repressive, and totally dogmatic facade is totally flawed - it's foundations rotten. So we are NOT to speak out. Be told. But journalists and others, chosen, can?

    Freedom of speech. That's what I write about. Nothing less, nothing more.
    Our democratic right.
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