Torture of child witches in Africa, page-14

  1. 1,452 Posts.
    "As long as people continue to do stuff like this because of unproven and ridiculous supernatural beliefs, I'm going to continue to call them stupid,"

    Wasn't going to post anymore until after the break. Then I noticed this Scholarly piece of sanctimonious dribble.

    About 20 years ago I was working in the Southern Sudan and was asked if I'd guide a party of doctors around the Dinka so that they could immunize the village children. After a week I was told to go back to one of the villages that we'd already visited as there had been some trouble.

    On arriving back at the village trouble was an understatement. The adult population had been slaughtered and in the middle of the village was a pile of little arms that the S,P,L,A rebels had hacked off the children who had just been immunized. The guy that issued those orders wasn't a religious man and those murders weren't religiously motivated. Nor were countless other atrocities that I've witnessed in Africa, Asia, South America. It's a shame these people weren't religious and had accurate knowledge, because if the did they could never have cut off a child's arm.

    I can tell you one thing for sure with the things I've witnessed first hand. Most of it comes down to Greed. I'll also say that a few of the biggest mass murderers in recent history have been atheists. Stalin, Pol Pot, Hitler & Lenin to name but a few.

    Prior to making stupid statements from the safety of your armchair, you should get out a bit more and see the world. It may alter you view.

    Definitely my last post.
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