Islam is at war with west - The innocent will continue to die, page-4

  1. 47,086 Posts.
    Like most of the "ratbag right" here [saves you the trouble] I am fearful of the future.

    I am a long way from Sydney's west and without much longer on this mortal coil so why should I care? [I don't even have grandkids.] But I do care.

    Some European nation must soon grasp the nettle and confront this threat or the war will be lost before the blind idiots even realise that they are being over-run. No-go areas must be excised, as we did Christmas Is., from the nation to allow Defence Forces reinforce law and order, NOT sharia law, with a show of force. Blood will be lost but it is too late for a peaceful resolution.

    A new Crusade is called for and I am under do illusion that it won't be at massive cost in lives.
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