Muslim response to Paris executions

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    The broader issue regarding the Paris executions is whether the various Muslim
    sects and Muslims generally consider blasphemy as a punishable offence and if so
    does it justify the death penalty.

    "Blasphemy in Islam is impious utterance or action concerning God or sacred things.[1] The Quran and the hadith do not speak about any worldy punishment for blasphemy.[2] Jurists created the offence, and they made it part of Sharia.[2] Where Sharia pertains, the penalties for blasphemy can include fines, imprisonment, flogging, amputation, hanging, or beheading.[3][4] Muslim clerics may call for the punishment of an alleged blasphemer by issuing a fatwā"
    (source: wikipedia)

    35 years ago There was a death Fatwa issued by a Muslim authority on Salmon Rushdi for publishing his
    book "The Satanic Verses". The world including the Western Press has stood by without insisting that this
    Fatwa was removed which has left this man fearing for his life since then. There is speculation that a death
    Fatwa may have been issued on the editor of Charlie when its premises were burned down in 2011.

    Muslim leaders simply cannot sit around saying that these Fatwas have nothing to do with them or Islam
    while paying lip service to Sharia Law and its Jurists proclamations from which these Fatwas originated.

    The removal of the Rushdie death fatwa would be a start.

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