Freedom of Expression!, page-10

  1. 317 Posts.
    Hmmm... so by your rationale I can pick and choose which laws apply to me because I deem some of them "right" and some of them "wrong".

    Like I know the 100km/h speed limit is a relic from the 70's oil crisis, and is little more than an arbitrary round number selected by governments as their benchmark, and that increased increasing arterial road speeds has been clearly demonstrated to lower fatal suburban crashes.... so I should think for myself and just do the speed I want then go hide in Russia when the government decides I have done the wrong thing,

    Or I think that income tax is an unfair imposition on me and I decide not to pay it because it is an unapportioned tax and I deem that "wrong" or unfair, then I go hand hide in Russia like a coward when I get caught.

    Or I sign a contract with my company that is legally binding and then find out they are withholding potentially lifesaving medication for the ebola and I "decide myself" that this is "wrong" and so I steal that medication which cost millions to develop and give it away for free because I "thought it was right", thereby breaching my contract and committing industrial espionage. The like a loser I go and hide in Russia.

    Not sure what gives you the right to judge what is "right" or "wrong" and on what grounds you though Snowden did the right thing. Did the US government break any laws? turns out they didn't, regardless of how hard the witless libertarians tried to make out they did. Did Snowden? well yeh, he did.

    As far as "thinking for myself", I created original knowledge when I finished my PhD, I'd say that counts as "thinking for myself". What have you created? (apart from hot blustery air?)
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