Piers nails it again !

  1. 61,979 Posts.
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    Piers Ackerman perceptively states that there is much hypocrisy in the knee jerk world of the twitterati.

    "As much as the civilised world stands to show its respect for the cartoonists and others who were massacred at the offices of the satirical French magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris, there has been also a grotesque display of double-standards by many of those who opposed the Abbott government's attempt last year to protect free speech."

    'Those who now proclaim their support for free speech railed against the Abbott government when it proposed lifting the censorial S18C from the RDA last April"

    "Yet all the government was trying to do was remove the words insult, offend and humiliate and replace them with provisions outlawing racial vilification and intimidation."

    "The ABC could not provide enough airtime for Green and Labor senators, for members of the Human Rights and the usual coterie of luvvies to claim that insulting and offensive language should be banned"

    "But to the Greens and Labor, freedom is a one way street. It is in their DNA to be authoritarian and it is their self proclaimed right to decide what to tolerate, and who is to be braded intolerant"

    "They may be all for Charlie in France, but they won't let him loose in Australia"

    The hypocrisy of the Greens and Labor has no bounds !!!
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