Why do moslems come to Australia, page-125

  1. 8,256 Posts.
    "The anti terror laws were always going to attract criticism from elements of the Muslim community"

    Do the following signatories (either individual or groups) of the petition against the bill represent "elements" of the Muslim community or more than that? Look at those Youth Centre representatives and University Student associations etc -

    By the way, I'll highlight in just a handful of interesting names that ring a bell (I'm sure many others might similarly deserve highlighting given a little research)...

    Sheikh Abu Adnan - err, he was responsible for recently auctioning the ISIS flag in Sydney)
    Sheikh Abu Ayman - (aka Mohammed Omran) - headed the fundamentalist Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaah Association (has been as the most radical Islamic group in Australia) and Heads the Hume Islamic Youth Centre and aligned with Abu Bakar Bashir (Jemaah Islamiah)
    Sheikh Abu Bakr Zaoud
    Sheikh Adam Konda
    Sheikh Eljam Bardi
    Sheikh Haisam Farache
    Sheikh Hassan el-Setohy
    Sheikh Jamil el-Biza
    Sheikh Laraibi Nouredine
    Sheikh Mustafa Sarakibi
    Sheikh Nazeer ul-Hassan Thanvi
    Sheikh Omar el-Banna
    Sheikh Rajab Idrizi
    Sheikh Rian Wiramihardja
    Sheikh Zuhair Issa
    A Monirul Islam, JP
    Abdullah Kunde – Community Activist
    Abdurrahman Crossingham J.P.
    Almir Colan – Australian Centre for Islamic Finance [AusCif]
    Al-Furqan Islamic Information Centre
    Al-Risalah - yes that bookstore that also holds hate fests
    AMU Alumni of Australia Inc.
    Assalam Initiative – Indonesian community organisation
    Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama’ah Auburn [ASWJ Auburn]
    Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama’ah South East [ASWJ SE]
    African Diversity Association of Queensland – East African Muslim Community
    Australian Muslim Women’s Association [AMWA]
    Australians for Syria Association [ASA]
    Baytal Hikmah Islamic Center, Melbourne
    Cambridge International College Islamic Society [CICIS]
    Canberra Islamic Center
    Cumberland University Muslim Students Association [CMS]
    Dr. Tamer Kahil
    Dr. Yassir Morsi – Researcher
    Fatihu Niam Soleh – Registered Nurse and Community Activist
    Feroz Sattar – Community Activist
    Hanan Dover – Forensic Psychologist, PhD Candidate, UWS
    Hajr Toefy – Teacher and former School Deputy Principal
    Hiraa Muslim Sisters of Canberra
    Hizb ut-Tahrir Australia - err, yes, I think we remember them
    Hume Islamic Youth Centre [HIYC] - see Abu Ayman
    Imam Al-Taqwa mosque, Canberra
    Imam Shameem, Surry Hills Mosque
    Indonesian Islamic Association Inc. Sydney
    Iqra Islamic Centre, Brisbane
    IslaminAustralia.Com Web Portal
    Islam in Focus Australia, Queensland
    Islamic Awareness Forum of UNSW [IAFUNSW]
    Islamic Council of Western Australia
    Islamic Information and Services Network of Australasia [IISNA]
    Islamic Information and Support Centre of Australia [IISCA]
    Islamic Society of Belconnen [ISB]
    Islamic Society of Deakin University [ISDU]
    Islamic Society of Victoria University [ISVU]
    Global Islamic Youth Centre [GIYC]
    Keluarga Jawa Timur – East Java Community
    La Trobe Islamic Society
    Macquarie University Muslim Students Association [MUMSA]
    Markaz Imam Ahmad, Liverpool [MIA]
    Masjid al-Azhar, Belmore
    Mohamad Tabbaa – Terrorism researcher, University of Melbourne
    Monash University Islamic Society
    Muslim Debate Initiative Australia [MDI]
    Muslim Legal Network (WA)
    Muslim Students Association of New South Wales [MSANSW]
    Muslim Women Association [MWA]
    Nakhlah Childbirth Organisation for Muslim Women
    Raudhatul ‘Ilmi Initiative – Indonesian community organisation
    Raudhatul Ilmi Women’s Initiative – Indonesian women’s organisation
    Raisah Douglas – Somali Organisation for Development Aid [SODA]
    Rashid Alshakshir – Community Activist & filmmaker
    Rebecca Kay – Community Activist - trouble maker
    Regents Park Musallah
    RMIT University Islamic Society
    Salam Care
    Sefton Mosque
    Silma Ihram – Community Activist
    Sisters’ House Services, Brisbane
    Stories in the Park
    Swinburne University Islamic Society
    Sydney University Muslim Students Association [SUMSA]
    University of Melbourne Islamic Society
    University of Western Sydney Muslim Students Association [UWSMSA Bankstown]
    University of Western Sydney Muslim Students Association [UWSMSA Campbelltown]
    University of Western Sydney Muslim Students Association [UWSMSA Parramatta]
    University of Technology Sydney Muslim Students [UTSMS]
    Ustadh Mohammed Junaid Thorne – Community Activist - ohh - his name came up just last week!!!!!
    Ustadha Umm Jamal
    Western Australia Muslim Lawyers Association
    Youth Victoria
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