jesus loves you, page-1088

  1. 23,525 Posts.
    ''this is exactly the same as I posted

    the mind suffers due to delusional ('self-focused') thoughts and irrational fears ('ignorant desires').

    Buddha taught suffering comes from self-becoming, which comes from desire, which comes from ignorance'

    That's really strange logic, you claim that my example is the same as you posted, but your words demonstrate the very opposite .

    That the mind suffers, in your words, ''due to delusional ('self-focused') thoughts and irrational fears ('ignorant desires')'' - has got absolutely no relationship to mental suffering caused by unchosen brain conditions, lesions, chemical imbalances, undeveloped neural structures, etc.

    The distinction being, as it completely went over your head, that these conditions are not curable through the practice of mindfulness, meditation, the middle path, or any other Buddhist teachings. These are not due to 'self focus' or 'ignorant desires' but physical states of the brain.

    Please read more carefully. Stop making false assumptions and building strawmen.
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