Do We Live In The Matrix?, page-69

  1. 24,590 Posts.
    You use the terms 'proof' and and 'disproves' far too loosely.

    While there may be problems with the theory, it is far from being disproven.

    Your source material relies on assumptions about black hole formation and physics that may not represent reality. Mathematical models need to be confirmed by experiments, observation and testing.

    "I'm not convinced," Dr. Max Tegmark, a cosmologist and professor of physics at MIT, told The Huffington Post in an email. "It's great to see numerical calculations being done, but the results disagree with many published findings, and this might be because of incorrect assumptions.

    "Also," Tegmark said in the email, "one can't claim 'black holes don't exist' without first explaining all the observational evidence we have for black holes.

    Even if inflation theory comes into disfavor, that will not disprove Big Bang. It is a work in progress.

    And you are still left with a faith based belief in magical materialization of a Universe from nothing more than the imagined willpower of a proposed God...which itself is completely unexplained and unexplainable. Which cannot be confirmed through observation, experimentation or testing, and as I pointed out, faith has not proven to be a reliable means with which to obtain reliable and accurate information.
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