DCC 1.79% 5.5¢ digitalx limited

BTC Price $279 according to coindesk - perhaps this is the time.., page-13

  1. 634 Posts.
    Mintsy is picking up traction nicely.
    1. The available "rigs" or computers to rent has shot right up over the last couple weeks and are being rented. When I first looked there was only 5 rigs listed at the time and only 1 was rented. Last time I looked there was 70 rigs Listed and 90% were rented out. Mintsy get a cut of every rental so this is now revenue the company is receiving that they never would have before.

    2. Mintsy itself is of course selling mining contracts.
    They originally had contracts for
    1 week (I think it was one week but could have been 24 hours can't remember exactly) @ $10, 3 months $59 and 6 months $99 but they have since got rid of the $10 one and added a higher computer powering 3 month for $549 and 6 month for $949 in addition to the $59 and $99 contracts. Presumably they are selling big contracts due to demand.
    These contracts are all inclusive of electricity costs and people can mine a wide variety of coins. I don't think they are the cheapest contracts around though so see how they go. The difference here is that if they didn't sell the mining contacts they would have otherwise sold the hardware. Is it more beneficial to sell hardware or sell cloud mining contracts???... time will tell.

    The contract marketplace where people can buy and resell their contracts is not yet open.

    Yes it's a pity that the market cap is 20M especially when you see other tech companies shooting out of there reverse takeovers listings recently. But it can also be seen as a good opportunity
    Last edited by investomania: 15/03/15
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Mkt cap ! $59.12M
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5.6¢ 5.6¢ 5.4¢ $34.57K 632.0K

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2 20000 5.4¢

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5.5¢ 227019 3
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Last trade - 14.03pm 13/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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