i ran not a threat says iaea chief.

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    From a r abnews:

    Tuesday, 11, April, 2006 (13, R a bi` al-Awwal, 1427)

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    UN Can Only Bare Its Teeth to Nuclear Have-Nots
    Essa bin Mohammed Al-Zedjali, A r ab News

    The UN Security Council has recently issued a demand for I ran to stop its uranium enrichment program. The demand has all the hint of an order which requires Tehran to carry out what it is told within three months, or else, several punitive measures would follow which might even lead to the use of force.

    The current campaign against I ran is surprising because there is not even a shred of evidence that Iran is making nuclear weapons. This is, in fact, confirmed by none other than Mohammed El-Baradei, the director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency. While addressing a group of students in the Qatari capital of Doha recently, he categorically stated that there was absolutely no evidence of I ran trying to develop nuclear weapons, adding that I ran had the right to develop nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. He also stated that I ran posed no threat to the world.

    Despite such unequivocal statements by the IAEA chief, a war of attrition through the media against I ran is escalating day by day. There is an implied threat of punitive steps and even military action against that country.

    This brings to our mind how Washington tried to convince the world that I raq possessed weapons of mass destruction, a claim that ultimately proved to be a c o ck and bull story. It is to be noted here that both the UN and American inspectors searched the I raqi soil inch by inch for weapons of mass destruction but came out empty-handed, thus exploding Washington’s allegations.

    Despite all this, the US decided to carry out its readymade plan that was nothing but naked invasion, the result of which is the current anarchy in I raq.

    As an independent country, I ran has every right to acquire nuclear weapons as long as there are countries that possess such weapons. If the UN Security Council wants all the countries of the world — especially the Middle East countries — free of nuclear weapons, it needs to give all those that have nuclear weapons a three-month period to destroy their a rsenal of weapons before taking any action against Iran which has no such weapons.

    The countries with nuclear arms are not questioned while a country against which there is no evidence that it has or planning to have nukes, as affirmed by the IAEA chief, is being threatened with sanctions and military action. Is this not grossly unfair? This blatant bias against Iran exposes the unjust stance of the UN Security Council, which is supposed to safeguard the world and set a good example based on common values of fairness and justice. The nuclear row has now intensified and there is an inexorable flow of statements by various officials, advising Tehran to respond to the Security Council’s demand, reminding it that it is a serious crime that can lead to drastic consequences. These officials and leaders also ask the international community to gather and unite against Iran, despite the fact that it does not pose any threat to any country.

    Looking back, the UN Security Council has issued numerous resolutions against I srael, denouncing its terror in the Palestinian territories. The first such resolution was passed in November 1948, followed by several resolutions totaling over 32, none of which was obeyed or respected by I srael.

    The international community, including the US, has remained silent with respect to these resolutions against I srael, but has become agitated over Iran following the demand issued by the Security Council.

    Yet in OUR media the IAEA is concerned! Someone's telling porkies.


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