MBE Chart, page-14

  1. 1,434 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 14
    I agree TBE I think the big boys have been patiently waiting for Thorpey to prove their model worked internationally and that it is swiftly scaleable.

    I was also recalling the MNW story and have always argued this stock has 100 million more shares than MBE and one tenth the potential. Now we have given investors a glimps of our growth numbers, they are buying quickly with a 30% rise in only 3 days which is quite extraordinary.

    I'm the same with a 100% MBE big holding with no intention of selling. Same with my family and mates who are fully loaded and wanting the big kill.

    It is still cheap as chips at 25.5c IMO and those who now believe the story had better not try and chase it up or they will miss the big kill too.

    MBE are the real deal IMO and will become another Aussie success story with big benefits to its shareholders, especially Thorpey with a nice 22 million who has every reason to send his baby to $1 in due course and beyond hopefully.

    Loving the HC vibe from all posters which I've never seen before. Even our mate Q says MBE looks promising which is the same as a buy recommendation IMO.
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