Obama is a weak leader, page-33

  1. 6,367 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1043
    Your precious Bush created IS, haven't you figured that out yet? Your precious Neo-Con yanks took us to war on a lie... Have you forgotten about that already?

    Obama took out Bin Laden while Bush would have been at home dribbling into his glass of warm milk..

    Obama is responsible for far less American casualties than your hero Bush..

    Haven't you learned anything from Bush's catastrophic war on the Middle East??? You cannot simply 'clean up' insurgencies... the enemy is embedded within the population.. You have to leave huge numbers of troops on the ground to maintain the status quo...

    So you would be standing at the airbase welcoming back the Australian body bags, full of your Neo Conservative pride, saluting as the coffins draped in the Australian flag are wheeled off the transport plane, wearing your George Bush t-shirt and saying "I'm glad we went in there and cleaned it up boys"
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