Marriage equality?, page-4

  1. 10,423 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    As in have the marriage act make no distinction between man & women, man & man, or woman & woman...or a man and his dog or a woman and her horse. Where can a line be drawn when the homosexual community want all genders removed from the traditional marriage wording that has been used since the beginning of time?

    Do you this being take this other being to be your Lawful wedded maybe this will pave the way for people in future to marry a robot or Cyborg?
    Does anybody within the homosexual community ever consider the much wider implications of their demands? probably not I'd say, it is all about me me so many other outrageous demands on society today.

    It is a pathetic argument, has anyone ever said someone who prefers to practice homosexuality or practice lesbianism is not an equal person?
    Sure in the first century homosexuals and lesbians may have been stoned and or cast out of the community as unclean, but that has changed in our modern world and they are accepted as what they are now.

    Their desire to denigrate the Marriage Act to meet their own agenda is the problem, there is no compelling argument for it full stop.

    The Government should not have to be side tracked by these silly issues while there are far more serious concerns for the whole country to work on.

    When unemployment is down to reasonable level and the country's debt is under control and we are growing again maybe then the Government could look over the polite request for the homosexual community to allow them to use the term marriage legally.

    In the meantime allow them to be connected by a legal document if that is what they want, but let them steal some other word from the English language as they did when they stole the word "Gay" to describe themselves...
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