Power cost surges as renewables are penalised, page-33

  1. 30,924 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 174
    That is exactly how water, electricity and communications should be charged for, as it truly reflects the costs. 90% infrastructure 10% usage. And that's how you should be charging your customers for the produce, what it costs you, rather than expecting them to subsidise you in the first place. That's really back to front economics - especially as I might not use your products. Likewise, I'm happy to pay a real cost for everything else I buy, including the real cost of electricity, rather a socialistic payment for stuff that I don't want. Why should I subsidise peoples' smoking or drinking habits, newspapers, stays in hotels, bread, pizzas or casino gambling?

    The grid cannot be essential to the operation of the state. How did Qld manage before 1988? I'm also against subsidies for solar and wind and wave - let the technologies stand on their own merits. I think solar can do so now, with some adjustments by the user, so let it compete with the grid. Your premise will have the grid standing for ever, as better technologies would never be allowed to see the light of day. There has got to be the possibility of progress - you want to prevent that.
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