CWE 0.00% 4.2¢ carnegie wave energy limited

Funding Recieved, page-10

  1. 1,225 Posts.

    Once you have an initial working system you begin thinking more seriously about marketing and eventual costs. The segmented cost table immediately shows that anchoring costs are high, that moving a CETO unit (with foundation) to a new location is nigh impossible, and that the sophistication in the dead weight of the pier is virtually zero. Hence I doubt that the C5 contributed to a pier learning experience. The key question is, how can the upward lifting force be restrained at the sea floor? There is generally no shortage of rock in place and the issue becomes one of secure fastening to the existing geology.

    Using a minimum of 3 small diameter piles at skew angles towards one another would be one possibility. This is where expertise in soil and rock mechanics comes in handy. Prof Christophe Gaudin from UWA sounds like the ideal person for this job. Thanks, Chimpbpoy, for sussing that out. From his formidable list of papers he must be 160 years old! He must write one on the bus to work every morning. (Actually he must teach his post grad students to write and his name appears on it as well.)

    Pleased to see the ball rolling here.

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